The public is advised NOT TO INVEST or STOP INVESTING in any investment scheme being offered by any individual or group of persons allegedly for or on behalf of PHILHELP MICRO FINANCING INC., PHILHELP ADMINISTRATION OF FINANCIAL MARKETING, PHILHELP INTERNATIONAL LENDING COMPANY and 3005 LEVELS CORPORATION

INVESTOR EDUCATION AND INFORMATION Menu Advisories Notices COVID-19 Related Issuances SEConomics NewSECletter Daily Market Updates Sustainable Finance Market Update Financial Stability Investment Scam Checklist Investment 101 Request for Comments Date Posted: PHILHELP INTERNATIONAL LENDING SEC Facebook Upon investigation, it was found out that the company continued its “PEER to PEER” platform and has a new continue reading : PHILHELP ADMINISTRATION OF FINANCIAL MARKETING/PHILHELP INTERNATIONAL LENDING COMPANY (“PHILHELP”)
The public is advised NOT TO INVEST or STOP INVESTING in any investment scheme being offered by any individual or group of persons allegedly for or on behalf of PHILHELP MICRO FINANCING INC., PHILHELP ADMINISTRATION OF FINANCIAL MARKETING, PHILHELP INTERNATIONAL LENDING COMPANY and 3005 LEVELS CORPORATION

The public is advised NOT TO INVEST or STOP INVESTING in any investment scheme being offered by R.L. AGGREGATES AND DIVERSIFIED LENDING GROUP INC.

INVESTOR EDUCATION AND INFORMATION Menu Advisories Notices COVID-19 Related Issuances SEConomics NewSECletter Daily Market Updates Sustainable Finance Market Update Financial Stability Investment Scam Checklist Investment 101 Request for Comments Date Posted: DIVERSIFIED LENDING GROUP INC SEC Facebook In response to numerous reports and inquiries received by the Commission regarding the activities of R.L. AGGREGATES AND continue reading : R.L. AGGREGATES AND DIVERSIFIED LENDING GROUP INC.
The public is advised NOT TO INVEST or STOP INVESTING in any investment scheme being offered by R.L. AGGREGATES AND DIVERSIFIED LENDING GROUP INC.

The public is advised that the Commission is not in any way connected or affiliated with Intelligence Samusai

INVESTOR EDUCATION AND INFORMATION Menu Advisories Notices COVID-19 Related Issuances SEConomics NewSECletter Daily Market Updates Sustainable Finance Market Update Financial Stability Investment Scam Checklist Investment 101 Request for Comments Date Posted: INTELLIGENCE SAMUSAI SEC Facebook It has come to the attention of the Securities and Exchange Commission(the “Commission”)that an entity by the name of Intelligence continue reading : INTELLIGENCE SAMUSAI
The public is advised that the Commission is not in any way connected or affiliated with Intelligence Samusai

SEC – Securities Enforcement Commission
The Commission is not connected or affiliated with SEC – Securities Enforcement Commission

INVESTOR EDUCATION AND INFORMATION Menu Advisories Notices COVID-19 Related Issuances SEConomics NewSECletter Daily Market Updates Sustainable Finance Market Update Financial Stability Investment Scam Checklist Investment 101 Request for Comments Date Posted: Securities Enforcement Commission SEC Facebook It has come to the attention of the Securities and Exchange Commission (the “Commission”) that an entity by the continue reading : SEC – Securities Enforcement Commission
The Commission is not connected or affiliated with SEC – Securities Enforcement Commission